Phase 3: DELPHI CONSENSUS SURVEY Objective The purpose of the Delphi consensus survey is to identify, using participant consensus, the most Tacedinaline important topics in each of the four study objectives. Design Delphi studies are frequently used
in healthcare and other industries [13] to achieve consensus among a group of experts on a particular topic. This is accomplished through anonymous iterative surveys in which participants are asked to score items [12,14]. Within four weeks of the roundtable session, participants will be emailed a link to an online survey site. Each survey round will be open for five working days. In the first round, topics identified in the literature Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical synthesis, qualitative interviews and roundtable session will be listed for each study objective (barriers, opportunities, recommendations and priorities). An additional text box will be provided for respondents to enter any further topics, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical thoughts or elaborations they have. Participants will score each topic on a Likert scale (1 = not important, 2 = not very important, 3 = possibly important, 4 = important, 5 = extremely important).
In the second and third rounds, the mean scores for each topic and the participant’s own score will be available for review (i.e., each participant will see Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical their own score for each topic and all participants will see the group mean Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical scores for each topic). Participants will be able to re-score each topic, or keep the score they assigned in the previous round. As consensus is reached on the ‘importance’ [13] (or lack thereof) of individual topics, they will be removed from the Delphi survey. In the second and third rounds, participants
may enter new topics into a free text box. The survey will be re-sent to a maximum of four rounds, to avoid sample fatigue. Research Agenda participants will follow the Delphi technique to achieve consensus on the most important topics or items for each Research Agenda objective Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical based on information gathered during the interviews and roundtable discussions. Data Analysis Data from each round of the Delphi survey will be downloaded from the Opinio survey tool Vasopressin Receptor (Objectplanet, Oslo, Norway) into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (Redwood, CA, USA), in which descriptive analysis of panel characteristics, categorization of free text, and analysis (mean scores and level of consensus) of each topic in each round will be conducted. In Delphi surveys, it is essential to define consensus a priori [13]. For each topic (within each study objective) we will consider consensus to be achieved for the most important items if 80% of the participants scored the theme as 4 (‘important’) or 5 (‘extremely important’). These topics will be removed from the list in subsequent rounds.