With regard to the different variables and confounders, the following information are of importance: In accordance with the choices of answers given in Q2 and Q3, the recommended or performed TP was classified into four groups [no specific TP, stockings only, drugs
(acetylsalicylic acid [ASA] or heparin) only, or stockings and drugs]. We cross-tabulated performed and recommended TP and quantified the agreement of them with the kappa coefficient. Furthermore, we calculated the contingency coefficient (CC) to further determine the strength of a possible association between recommended and performed TP. For each model and calculation, the level of significance was set to 0.05. Overall, 315 travelers (43.3% male, aged 43.2 ± 15.9 y) derived from 10 centers throughout Germany took www.selleckchem.com/Akt.html part in this survey. Some travelers and physicians indicated more UK-371804 than one answer with regard to some questions, especially when asking for predominant kind of travel and the means of transport with the highest risk for TT. Therefore, the sum of the percentages of the answers to these questions could be more than 100%. Q1 was answered by 275 travelers (44.0% male, aged 44.6 ±
16.0 y). The mean number of journeys per year with a travel time of at least 5 hours was 3.6 ± 2.1. In the past, travelers performed LHT predominantly by air, car, train, and bus in 62.5, 45.1, 13.1, and 7.3%, respectively. Travelers (91.6%) were aware of a possible association between increased TR and LHT. This was very similar in all age groups with 89.8, 85.5, 93.5, 88.6, and 100% of travelers aged 18 to 29, 30 to 39, 40 to 49, 50 to 59, and >60 years, respectively. Travelers aged 60 years and older, however, were significantly more often aware of this risk than those younger Protein kinase N1 than 60 (100% vs 89.1%, p = 0.006), whereas this was similar for males and females (90.1% vs 92.9%, p = 0.409). Overall, travel by air, bus, and car was estimated by 90.9, 16.7, and 8.5% of the travelers, respectively, to be the kind of travel with the highest TR. The participating
physicians answered Q2 for 309 travelers. In summary, they indicated that the travelers might travel predominantly by air, car, bus, train, and ship in 89.6, 9.4, 5.8, 2.9, and 2.6%, respectively, during their next LHT for which the travelers had been seeking medical travel advice. The estimated duration of travel was up to 4 hours, between 5 and 8 hours, and longer than 8 hours in 5.8, 24.6, and 67.0%, respectively. A total of 139 travelers (45.0%) did not have any thrombophilic risk factor, whereas 107 (34.6%), 31 (10.0%), 17 (5.5%), and 4 (1.3%) travelers had 1, 2, 3, and 4 thrombophilic risk factors, respectively. In accordance to the recommendations of the Vienna/Hall consensus meeting,24,25 77.0/45.6%, 13.3/44.7%, and 5.5/5.5% of the travelers had a low, medium, and high TR, respectively. A total of 11 travelers (3.