A window with the message, “Done!” indicates the successful completion of the analysis. The output can be saved as a .csv file to a folder of the user’s choice. The default name of the file is “Results,” which can be changed by the user. The example dataset used above yielded values of 342.706 and 4.859 for c and d, respectively, with a R2 value of 0.970. The GUI also allows the instructions, data
or results to be displayed and saved at any time. As can be seen, the results from both the Excel template and the HEPB program for the c and d variables (EC50 and Hill slope, respectively) are essentially identical when using the example dataset from the Call Erastin laboratory. In order to test if our two programs consistently yielded similar results, we chose twelve different datasets ( Supplementary Table 1) from the Call laboratory and elsewhere that varied widely in size (6–5000 pairs of values) and exhibited a variety of curve shapes and slopes ( Fig. 9). The example dataset used in the analysis above is dataset IX. Furthermore, we also analyzed these datasets using the nls statistical package written by D.M. Bates and S. DebRoy in
the R programming language ( R_Core_Team, 2013) and the commercial software, GraphPad Prism 6.04 for Windows (GraphPad Software, La Jolla California USA, www.graphpad.com), to ensure that the results of our programs were consistent with those from commonly used, standard software. In order to ensure appropriate comparisons among the different programs, the Oxalosuccinic acid values of a and b were constrained to the min and max values in any given dataset. Table 1 shows the regression results in terms Doxorubicin cell line of the values of c and d. As can be seen, the values between the different programs are very similar, validating the use of the programs presented in this paper. The four-parameter logistic equation, also known as the Hill equation (Eq. (1)) is commonly used to model the non-linear relationship typically seen in the
association between dose and response. This involves the estimation of four parameters (a–d) in the equation. Here we provide two user-friendly computational methods that perform the analysis by constraining the values of a and b and estimating the values of c and d by means of iteration, using the criterion of least squares. The macros-enabled Excel template uses Solver to estimate the parameters c and d of Eq. (1) and plots the regression line based on this equation. Manipulation of Solver is done using VBA programming to automatically repeat the analysis using a different set of starting values each time for the estimation of c and d if the regression yields an error or if the criterion of R2 ≥ 0.5 is not met, thus ensuring quality control without any input required from the user. This template was created for a specific need in the Call laboratory and is being routinely used there to assay different genetic lines of D.