Adhesin-like proteins are also encoded in the genomes of filament

Adhesin-like proteins are also encoded in the genomes of filamentous

ascomycetes; however, their function remains to be analysed [37]. Conclusions Hydrophobins are very important for growth and differentiation of higher filamentous fungi, but their roles differ between different selleck species. In some fungi, including B. cinerea, hydrophobic surface properties appear to be provided by as yet unknown mechanisms, different from the amphipathic layers formed by hydrophobins. It is evident that our knowledge about the molecules that cover the surfaces of fungal spores and determine their physicochemical properties is still far from being complete. Methods Cloning of the B. cinerea bhp1, bhp2, bhp3 and bhl1 genes and knock-out constructs B. cinerea hydrophobin genes bhp1, bhp2 and bhp3 including flanking regions of 392-771 bp were amplified with primers (Table 2) BHP1-1/2, BHP2-1/2 and BHP3-1/2 (introducing Bam HI restriction sites at both ends of the PCR product) respectively from genomic DNA, and cloned into pBS(+) (Stratagene, La Jolla, USA). Subsequently, an

inverse PCR was performed, using primers BHP1-3/4, BHP2-3/4 and BHP3-3/4. After digestion with Eco RI, the products were ligated with a hygromycin resistance cassette amplified by PCR from pLOB1 [38] with primers KO-Hyg1-EcoRI/KO-Hyg2-EcoRI, resulting in the plasmids pBHP1-Hyg, pBHP2-Hyg and pBHP3-Hyg. Knock-out constructs containing click here a nourseothricin resistance cassette were produced by replacing the hygromycin resistance cassette with a Bam HI/Eco RI restriction fragment from plasmid pNR2 [39, 40], resulting

in plasmids pBHP1-Nat and pBHP2-Nat. For the creation of hydrophobin triple mutants, a phleomycin resistance ALOX15 cassette from pAN8-1UM [41] was used. The gpdA promoter in pAN8-1UM was replaced by an oliC promoter fragment from pBHP1-Hyg using Eco RI/Nco I restriction sites. The modified phleomycin resistance cassette was amplified with primers T7/TtrpC-rev-EcoRV. The PCR product was digested with Eco RI/Eco RV and ligated with digested pBHP2-Hyg to replace the hygromycin resistance cassette, resulting in pBHP2-Phleo. For generation of the bhl1 knock-out construct, the gene was amplified with primers BHL1-1/2 (introducing Bam HI and Xho I sites), and cloned into pBSKS(+) (Stratagene). Inverse PCR was performed using primers BHL1-3/4 (introducing Sma I and Hind III sites), and the products ligated with the hygromycin resistance cassette cut out from pLOB1 using Sma I and Hind III, resulting in pBHL1-Hyg. Knock-out constructs for transformation were either amplified by PCR or cut out of the plasmid by digestion with Bam HI. Table 2 Primers used in this study.

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