flavus cultured with different initial spore find more densities. (A, B) Mycelial growth curves of A. flavus A3.2890 in 50 ml GMS (A) or PMS (B) media initiated with 104 (dotted line) or 106 spores/ml (solid line). The mycelium dry weights were measured
during a period of 5 days. (C, D) Effects of PMS spent media on AF productions. (C) One ml fresh GMS (G0) or PMS (P0) media, or spent media (P4 and P6) were added to GMS media inoculated with 106 spores/ml. (D) Five ml fresh GMS (G0) or PMS (P0), or spent media (P4 and P6) were added to GMS media inoculated with 106 spores/ml. AF contents were measured after cultured at 28°C for 3 days. The spent media were prepared from 3-day PMS cultures with the initial spore densities GSK690693 in vitro of 104 (P4) or 106 (P6) spores/ml. All data were the mean ± SD of 3 HPLC measurements from mixed three independent samples. No inhibitory factor was released from the high density culture into the media We examined whether inhibitory factors were released into the media by A. flavus grown in PMS media with high initial spore densities. The experiment was performed by adding filter-sterilized spent media collected from 3-day cultures with 104 or 106 spores/ml to fresh GMS media inoculated with 106 spores/ml. Filter-sterilized fresh PMS or GMS media were used as controls.
The addition of 1 ml fresh PMS medium (P0) to GMS cultures enhanced production of both AFB1 and AFG1, as compared to the addition of fresh GMS medium (G0) (Selleckchem Tozasertib Figure 2C), which is in agreement with a previous report [46]. As showed in Figure 2C, addition of 1 ml spent media from both high (without AF production) and low (with AF production) density cultures to the GMS culture promoted AF production. No significant difference in AF production
was observed in the high density culture. The experiment was extended further to add 5 ml spent media from high (P6) and Demeclocycline low (P4) density cultures. If inhibiting factors were present in the spent media, we would expect to see reduced AF productions when compared to addition of 1 ml spent media. However, we observed that more AFs were produced in both P4 and P6 cultures, and no significant difference was observed between P4 and P6 samples (Figure 2D). Lower levels of AFs were produced in cultures with spent PMS media than those with fresh PMS media (Figure 2C & D), which could be explained by nutrient consumption during the three-day incubations. These data together show that there seems to be no inhibitory factor released from the high density culture to the media. Increased peptone concentrations inhibited AF production To examine if the lack of AF production in PMS media with high initial spore densities is caused by rapid mycelial growth, and consequent depletion of nutrients, the peptone concentration in media from the original 5% was increased to 15% to see if AF production could be restored.