The postulated effects of MMR on the response to YFV could not be distinguished for each one of MMR components, but
the reciprocal was verified. For conciseness, this paper highlighted the results for yellow fever and rubella, as elimination of rubella and congenital rubella syndrome may require vaccination in the age range in which Hydroxychloroquine the yellow fever vaccine is recommended in many countries. Moreover, the interaction of measles vaccines and YFV had been reported in previous studies. Results for measles and mumps are presented briefly. This was a randomized study whose methods were described previously [10] and will be presented briefly below. Comparison of YFV Libraries produced with WHO 17D-213/77 and 17DD substrains was double-blinded, whereas the comparison between YFV injected simultaneously or 30 days after MMR was unblinded. Fieldwork was conducted from February to July 2006 in nineteen public health centers from Federal District, the only Brazilian State where routine yellow fever vaccine and MMR vaccine were given simultaneously. Children aged 12–23 months who presented for routine vaccination were invited to participate. The exclusion criteria for the study were based on contraindications for yellow fever vaccination
[3]: severe malnutrition, immunosuppression, administration of immunoglobulin or other blood products within 60 days before or after vaccination, hypersensitivity to gelatin or egg chicken and derivatives, fever of 37.5 °C or more. Children were not included if obstacles to learn more return for vaccination against yellow fever or post-vaccination blood collection were anticipated. Regardless of their participation in the study, children received the MMR vaccine available for routine immunization in health care during units. At the time of this field study, there were two MMR vaccines available: MMRI®, MSD (measles strain Moraten; mumps strain Jeryl Lynn; rubella strain Wistar 27/3) and vacina combinada contra rubéola, sarampo e caxumba™, Bio-Manguinhos/GSK
(measles strain Schwarz; mumps strain RIT 4385; rubella strain Wistar RA 27/3). Study subjects received a 0.5 mL dose of yellow fever vaccine (YFV) from one of the two sub-strains, injected subcutaneously in the deltoid region. YF vaccines were put in identical vials labeled with codes generated by a statistician and disclosed only to the staff who conducted the labeling. The 17DD substrain vaccine was produced from the seed lot 993FB013Z (4.70 log10 PFU/0.5-mL), whereas the 17D substrain vaccine (lot 04UVFAEX34 with 4.91 log10 PFU/0.5-mL) was produced from the seed batch of the World Health Organization (WHO 17D-213/77). Children were given the type of vaccine against yellow fever to which they were randomly assigned.