Young’s modulus could not be properly calculated, as the effective area in a vertebra that contains trabecular buy Gemcitabine and cortical bone varies going from cranial to caudal ends. Therefore, secant stiffness was calculated for each recorded cycle by dividing the load range by the displacement range of that cycle. Initial secant stiffness was determined
at the start of the experiment, and final secant stiffness was determined at the time of failure. For each sample, time to failure, apparent strain at failure, steady-state creep rate, initial stiffness, and percent loss of stiffness at failure were calculated. Fig. 2 Three representative force–displacement cycles throughout the testing period: 20, 55, and 10,620 cycles for a typical sample. Force–displacement cycles display typical fatigue behavior characterized by BMS 907351 decreasing secant stiffness, increasing hysteresis, and increasing nonlinearity. Displacement increases over time due to mostly creep and to a lower extent, a decreasing secant stiffness Fig. 3 Typical sample for which creep characteristics
exhibit three typical phases of fatigue: an initial phase of high creep rate, a phase of a steady-state lower creep rate, and a phase in which creep rate is high again, finally resulting in failure [33, 40]. From each apparent strain against time curve, the creep rate of the secondary phase is determined by fitting a linear line. According to the method of Bowman et al. [33], a line parallel to this line is drawn at 0.5% higher offset. The intersection of this line RNA Synthesis inhibitor with the apparent strain curve is defined as the time to failure and the strain at failure Data analysis Pearson correlation coefficients were used to determine the relation between trabecular bone microarchitecture, cortical thickness, and compressive fatigue properties. For this, all structural properties were correlated with fatigue properties as well as
with log-transformed values of the fatigue properties. Also, all structural and fatigue parameters were compared between the two groups using a Student’s t test. p values below 0.05 were considered significant. Results During fatigue testing, 12 samples failed between 10 min and 14.7 h (1,200 and 106,000 cycles), and five samples did not fail within the studied period of time. The latter samples showed a decreasing, rather than an increasing, apparent strain range per cycle during the test, accompanied by an increasing secant stiffness, suggesting that artifacts were present in these tests [41]. These samples were subsequently removed from all analyses in the study, resulting in seven samples in the SHAM-OVX and five in the OVX-ZOL group. Trabecular and cortical microarchitecture No significant differences were found in trabecular bone microarchitecture and cortical thickness between the SHAM-OVX- and the OVX-ZOL-treated group except for Tb.