The estimates were kAsp = 0.977 × 10−3/yr and (D/L)0 = 0.0250. The nonlinear least squares analysis that produced these estimates also estimated female age at sexual maturity as ASM = 25.86 yr. SE(age) was estimated via a bootstrap that took into account the SE of (D/L)act and Cabozantinib chemical structure the variances and covariance of kAsp and (D/L)0. One male exceeded 100 yr of age; the oldest female was 88. A strong linear relationship between kAsp and body temperature was estimated by combining bowhead data with independent data from studies of humans and fin whales. Using this relationship, we estimated kAsp and ASM for North Atlantic minke whales. “
“Britannia Heights, Nelson 7010,
New Zealand “
“New material of Natchitochia from the Bartonian Archusa Marl Member is described here, including thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and caudal vertebrae, an innominate, proximal femur, and pedal? phalanx. The vertebrae and innominate are similar to those of Qaisracetus and Georgiacetus. The structure of the caudal vertebrae support previous observations that as sacral vertebrae disconnect from the sacrum, they become caudalized, developing hemal processes on the posteroventral margins
of the bodies, reminiscent of chevron bones associated with true caudal vertebrae. The innominate of Natchitochia shares an elongate ilium and pubis with Qaisracetus and Georgiacetus, which differ from the innominata of the more apomorphic archaeocetes. Comparison of archaeocete AZD6738 supplier innominata 上海皓元医药股份有限公司 and sacra in a phylogenetic context indicates that the apomorphic sacrum composed of 4 vertebrae (Pakicetus, Ambulocetus, Rodhocetus, Maiacetus) was reduced to 3 (Qaisracetus) to 2 (Protocetus?, Natchitochia) to 0 (Georgiacetus, Basilosauridae), while
the innominata remained robust, supporting a large hind limb until the origin of the Basilosauridae. In Georgiacetus, the innominate is large but detached from the vertebral column, preventing the use of the hind limb in terrestrial locomotion. More crownward cetaceans for which the innominate is known display greatly reduced innominata and hind limbs are disconnected from the vertebral column. “
“Infrared thermography was used to monitor the healing process at flipper tag sites in gray seal (Halichoerus grypus) pups. We tested the hypothesis that tagging would result in a rise in surface temperature associated with tag site healing processes compared with adjacent untagged areas of the flipper. Prior to tagging thermal images were recorded of the dorsal side of hind flippers of pups tagged in early lactation (n= 20) and at weaning (n= 19) on the Isle of May, Scotland (56°11′N, 02°33′W) from October to December 2008. Pups tagged in early lactation were sampled again at late lactation, at weaning and then every 3 d for an average of 29 d post-tagging while pups tagged at weaning were sampled every 3 d for an average of 17 d post-tagging.